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Delete News

We want to add the functionality for the news authors and admins to delete news. To achieve this we can use the permissions and only allow authorized users to delete posts.

1. Create DeleteNews Component

Add this trash can icon svg to the assets.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="28px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 28 32" version="1.1">
<g id="surface1">
<path style="stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill-opacity:1;"
d="M 0 9 L 0 6.8125 C 0.0429688 6.023438 0.355469 5.355469 0.9375 4.8125 C 1.519531 4.273438 2.207031 4 3 4 L 6 4 L 6 3 C 6 2.167969 6.292969 1.460938 6.875 0.878906 C 7.457031 0.292969 8.167969 0.00390625 9 0.00390625 L 19 0.00390625 C 19.832031 0.00390625 20.539062 0.292969 21.125 0.878906 C 21.707031 1.460938 22 2.167969 22 3 L 22 4 L 25 4 C 25.789062 4 26.476562 4.273438 27.0625 4.8125 C 27.644531 5.355469 27.957031 6.023438 28 6.8125 L 28 9 C 28 9.542969 27.800781 10.011719 27.40625 10.40625 C 27.007812 10.804688 26.539062 11 26 11 L 26 28 C 26 29.125 25.613281 30.074219 24.84375 30.84375 C 24.070312 31.613281 23.125 32 22 32 L 6 32 C 4.875 32 3.925781 31.613281 3.15625 30.84375 C 2.386719 30.074219 2 29.125 2 28 L 2 11 C 1.457031 11 0.988281 10.804688 0.59375 10.40625 C 0.199219 10.011719 0 9.542969 0 9 Z M 2 9 L 26 9 L 26 7 C 26 6.710938 25.90625 6.46875 25.71875 6.28125 C 25.53125 6.09375 25.289062 6 25 6 L 3 6 C 2.707031 6 2.46875 6.09375 2.28125 6.28125 C 2.09375 6.46875 2 6.710938 2 7 Z M 4 28 C 4 28.542969 4.199219 29.011719 4.59375 29.40625 C 4.988281 29.800781 5.457031 30 6 30 L 22 30 C 22.539062 30 23.007812 29.800781 23.40625 29.40625 C 23.800781 29.011719 24 28.542969 24 28 L 24 11 L 4 11 Z M 6 27 L 6 14 C 6 13.710938 6.09375 13.46875 6.28125 13.28125 C 6.46875 13.09375 6.707031 13 7 13 L 9 13 C 9.292969 13 9.53125 13.09375 9.71875 13.28125 C 9.90625 13.46875 10 13.710938 10 14 L 10 27 C 10 27.292969 9.90625 27.53125 9.71875 27.71875 C 9.53125 27.90625 9.292969 28 9 28 L 7 28 C 6.707031 28 6.46875 27.90625 6.28125 27.71875 C 6.09375 27.53125 6 27.292969 6 27 Z M 7 27 L 9 27 L 9 14 L 7 14 Z M 8 4 L 20 4 L 20 3 C 20 2.710938 19.90625 2.46875 19.71875 2.28125 C 19.53125 2.09375 19.289062 2 19 2 L 9 2 C 8.707031 2 8.46875 2.09375 8.28125 2.28125 C 8.09375 2.46875 8 2.710938 8 3 Z M 12 27 L 12 14 C 12 13.710938 12.09375 13.46875 12.28125 13.28125 C 12.46875 13.09375 12.707031 13 13 13 L 15 13 C 15.289062 13 15.53125 13.09375 15.71875 13.28125 C 15.90625 13.46875 16 13.710938 16 14 L 16 27 C 16 27.292969 15.90625 27.53125 15.71875 27.71875 C 15.53125 27.90625 15.289062 28 15 28 L 13 28 C 12.707031 28 12.46875 27.90625 12.28125 27.71875 C 12.09375 27.53125 12 27.292969 12 27 Z M 13 27 L 15 27 L 15 14 L 13 14 Z M 18 27 L 18 14 C 18 13.710938 18.09375 13.46875 18.28125 13.28125 C 18.46875 13.09375 18.707031 13 19 13 L 21 13 C 21.289062 13 21.53125 13.09375 21.71875 13.28125 C 21.90625 13.46875 22 13.710938 22 14 L 22 27 C 22 27.292969 21.90625 27.53125 21.71875 27.71875 C 21.53125 27.90625 21.289062 28 21 28 L 19 28 C 18.707031 28 18.46875 27.90625 18.28125 27.71875 C 18.09375 27.53125 18 27.292969 18 27 Z M 19 27 L 21 27 L 21 14 L 19 14 Z M 19 27 "/>

The permissions for each post is stored in the authMemberProps field, but it's not fetched by default. We have to add it to the fields when we get the feed.

const {
} = useFeed({
fields: {
reactions: {
fields: 'all',
variables: {
limit: 10,
authMemberProps: 'all',
createdBy: {
member: 'basic'
variables: {
limit: 10,

Now we can use the helper function hasScopesPermission to check if the user has permission to delete the post.

const [canDelete] = hasScopesPermission(post, ["deletePost"])

And if the user doesn't have the permission we don't show the delete icon otherwise clicking on the icon will immediately delete the post.

import {Post} from "@tribeplatform/gql-client/types";
import {ReactComponent as TrashCanIcon} from "../assets/trash_can_icon.svg";
import React from "react";
import {useDeletePost} from "@tribeplatform/react-sdk/hooks";
import {hasScopesPermission} from "@tribeplatform/gql-client/permissions";

export const DeleteNews = (props: { post: Post }) => {
const {post} = props

const {mutate: deletePost} = useDeletePost()
const [canDelete] = hasScopesPermission(post, ["deletePost"])

if (!canDelete)
return null

return (
<div className="flex flex-col justify-center mr-2">
<TrashCanIcon className="cursor-pointer" fill="darkred" onClick={() => {

You can see the final result here.