An interaction in our context refers to a specific type of request originating from Bettermode's UI to the app. This request is triggered by a user's click on either a dynamic block's element or a shortcut. When a user interacts with these elements, it generates a distinct action or event, prompting the app to respond accordingly.
For instance, when a user clicks on a dynamic block or a shortcut, the app receives the interaction request, which can initiate a wide range of actions or data retrieval processes based on the app's functionality. These interactions facilitate seamless communication between the UI and the app, empowering developers to create dynamic and engaging user experiences within the platform.
Requests structure
Every interaction request sent by Bettermode follows the below structure:
"networkId": "[NETWORK_ID]", // The community ID
"context": "NETWORK", // The context of the action
"entityId": "[ENTITY_ID]", // The ID of the context
"currentSettings": [],
"type": "INTERACTION",
"data": {
"actorId": "[ACTOR_ID]", // The member ID
"appId": "[APP_ID]", // The app ID
"interactionId": "[INTERACTION_ID]", // The interaction ID
"preview": false,
"dynamicBlockKey": "[DYNAMIC_BLOCK_KEY]", // The dynamic block key. For example for setting's page this is `settings`
"shortcutKey": null, // The shortcut key
"callbackId": null, // The callback ID
"inputs": null // Form inputs filled by member
Response structure
For every interaction sent by Bettermode you must respond with a following structure:
"type": "INTERACTION",
"status": "Succeeded",
"data": {
"appId": "[APP_ID]", // The app ID
"interactionId": "[INTERACTION_ID]", // The interaction ID
"interactions": [
"id": "[CUSTOM_INTERACTION_ID]", // A custom interaction ID
"type": "OPEN_MODAL", // The type of interaction
"props": {
"size": "md", // The size of the modal
"title": "[CUSTOM_TITLE]", // The title of the modal
slate: {
// ...Slate Model
] // An array of interactions.
Currently there are 7 types of interaction supported by Bettermode and you can have multiple of them at the same time. For example you can show a toast while closing a modal.
Show a block
You can show a block by responding this JSON:
"type": "INTERACTION",
"status": "Succeeded",
"data": {
"appId": "[APP_ID]", // The app ID
"interactionId": "[INTERACTION_ID]", // The interaction ID
"interactions": [
"type": "SHOW",
"id": "dynamic-block",
"slate": {
"rootBlock": "root",
"blocks": [
"id": "root",
"name": "Container",
"props": {
"spacing": "md"
"children": ["text"],
"id": "text",
"name": "text",
"props": {
"format": "markdown",
"value": "Enhance your understanding of community engagement by sending activity data to Hubspot's platform. With this integration",
Reload a block
You can reload an existing block by responding this JSON:
"type": "INTERACTION",
"status": "Succeeded",
"data": {
"appId": "[APP_ID]", // The app ID
"interactionId": "[INTERACTION_ID]", // The interaction ID
"interactions": [
"id": "reload",
"type": "RELOAD",
"props": {
"dynamicBlockKeys": ["related-posts"]
You can show a toast by responding this JSON:
"type": "INTERACTION",
"status": "Succeeded",
"data": {
"appId": "[APP_ID]", // The app ID
"interactionId": "[INTERACTION_ID]", // The interaction ID
"interactions": [
"type": "OPEN_TOAST",
"id": "toast-id",
"props": {
"title": "Create a ticket",
"status": "Success",
"description": "Ticket has been created successfully",
"link": {
"href": "",
"text": "Go to ticket",
"enableCopy": true,
You can show a modal in a UI.
Open a modal
You can open a modal by responding this JSON.
"type": "INTERACTION",
"status": "Succeeded",
"data": {
"appId": "[APP_ID]", // The app ID
"interactionId": "[INTERACTION_ID]", // The interaction ID
"interactions": [
"id": "modal-id",
"type": "OPEN_MODAL",
"props": {
"size": "md",
"title": "Create a Hubspot ticket",
"slate": {},
Close a modal
You can close a modal by responding this JSON. Make sure the id of the interaction is the same id as the modal interaction.
"type": "INTERACTION",
"status": "Succeeded",
"data": {
"appId": "[APP_ID]", // The app ID
"interactionId": "[INTERACTION_ID]", // The interaction ID
"interactions": [
"id": "modal-id",
"type": "Close"
You can open redirect to a new page by responding the following JSON.
"type": "INTERACTION",
"status": "Succeeded",
"data": {
"appId": "[APP_ID]", // The app ID
"interactionId": "[INTERACTION_ID]", // The interaction ID
"interactions": [
"id": "redirect",
"type": "Redirect",
"props": {
"url": "",
"external": true
This interaction type is useful when you want to dynamically alter the field. Right now we only support Select
component. For example you have a searchable select component and you want to show a new set of items when user performs a search query. You can respond with the following JSON:
"type": "INTERACTION",
"status": "Succeeded",
"data": {
"appId": "[APP_ID]", // The app ID
"interactionId": "[INTERACTION_ID]", // The interaction ID
"interactions": [
"id": "data",
"type": "DATA",
"props": {
"items": [{ "text": "Bettermode Dev Portal", "value": "1N25ZZyz5c" }]