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List of Webhook Events

Here is a list of all webhook events available on Bettermode:

EventTriggered when...
Member webhooks
member.createdA member is created, even before the email is verified
member.verifiedA member's email is verified and therefore the member is active
member.updatedA member's information is updated by member or admin
member.deletedA member is self-deleted or deleted by an admin
member_invitation.createdA member sent out email invitations. The event is called for each email
member_invitation.acceptedA user registers through an email invitation
member_invitation.rejectedAn email invitation is expired
Space and space membership webhooks
space.createdA space is created
space.updatedA space is updated
space.deletedA space is deleted
space_membership.createdA member joined a space, their request was accepted to join a space, or was added to a space by an admin or moderator
space_membership.deletedA member left a space or removed from a space by an admin or moderator
space_join_request.createdA member requested to join a space
space_join_request.acceptedA member's requested to join a space is accepted
space_join_request.rejectedA member's requested to join a space is rejected
Post, reply, and reaction webhooks
post.publishedA post or reply is published and visible to members
post.createdA post or reply is created event if it's pending moderation
post.deletedA post or reply is deleted
post.blockedA post or reply was prevented from being published
moderation.createdA post or reply was sent to moderation
post.unblockedA post or reply is published after being blocked
moderation.acceptedThe decision for sending the post or reply for moderation is accepted, and as a result the post is deleted
moderation.rejectedThe decision for sending the post or reply for moderation is rejected, and as a result the post is unblocked and published
post.unpublishedA published post was sent to moderation after being updated
post.pinnedA post is pinned by an admin or moderator
post.unpinnedA post is unpinned by an admin or moderator
reaction.addedA reaction is added to a post or reply
reaction.removedA reaction is removed from a post or reply
Tag webhooks
tag.addedA tag is added to a post or reply. The event is called for each tag
tag.removedA tag is removed from a post or reply. The event is called for each tag
Collection webhooks
collection.createdA space collection is created
collection.updatedA space collection is updated
collection.deletedA space collection is deleted
Network webhooks
network.updatedThe settings of the community (network) is updated
plan.updatedThe Bettermode plan of a community is changed
app_installation.createdAn app is installed in the community
app_installation.deletedAn app is uninstalled in the community
app_installation.updatedThe settings of an app is updated in the community