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Chat (Object)


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_id - ID!The ID of the chat
avatarId - StringThe ID of the avatar image
avatarUrl - StringThe URL of the avatar image
createdAt - DateTime!The date the chat was created
createdById - String!The ID of the user who created the chat
currentParticipant - ChatParticipantThe participation record of the authenticated user
hashId - StringThe hash ID of the chat, used to determine if there is an existing chat
lastMessage - MessagePreviewThe last message sent to the chat
name - StringThe name of the chat
networkId - String!The network to which the chat belongs
otherParticipant - ChatParticipantThe participation record of the other user in a direct chat. Null for group chats.
participantCount - Int!The number of participants in the chat
status - ChatStatus!The status of the chat: active or archived
type - ChatType!The type of the chat: direct or group
updatedAt - DateTime!The date the chat was updated

type Chat {
_id: ID!
avatarId: String
avatarUrl: String
createdAt: DateTime!
createdById: String!
currentParticipant: ChatParticipant
hashId: String
lastMessage: MessagePreview
name: String
networkId: String!
otherParticipant: ChatParticipant
participantCount: Int!
status: ChatStatus!
type: ChatType!
updatedAt: DateTime!