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NetworkCurrentUsages (Object)


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aiSearchAccess - Boolean!If true, AI search is allowed
analyticsAccess - Boolean!If true, analytics access is allowed
analyticsDaysLimit - FloatMaximum number of days of analytics data, if null, unlimited
apiAccess - Boolean!If true, API access is allowed
apiRequestCapacity - [ApiRequestLimit!]!API request limits
appIds - [String!]!List of purchased apps ids
askAiAccess - Boolean!If true, Ask AI is allowed
auditLogAccess - Boolean!If true, audit log access is allowed
customDomain - Boolean!If true, custom domain is allowed
customUploadDestination - BooleanIf true, site can set a different media upload target domain
emailCustomization - Boolean!If true, email customization is allowed
emailDigestAccess - Boolean!If true, email digest access is allowed
jwtSSOAccess - Boolean!If true, JWT SSO access is allowed
membersCapacity - FloatNumber of members allowed, if null, unlimited
monthlyEmailCapacity - FloatNumber of monthly emails allowed, if null, unlimited
monthlyVisitorCapacity - FloatNumber of monthly visitors allowed, if null, unlimited
oauth2SSOAccess - Boolean!If true, OAuth2 SSO access is allowed
postTypesCapacity - FloatNumber of post types allowed, if null, unlimited
samlSSOAccess - Boolean!If true, SAML SSO access is allowed
seatsCapacity - FloatNumber of seats allowed, if null, unlimited
sitemap - Boolean!If true, sitemap access is allowed
spacesCapacity - FloatNumber of spaces allowed, if null, unlimited
storageCapacity - FloatAllowed storage size, if null, unlimited
translationLocaleCapacity - FloatNumber of translation locales allowed, if null, unlimited

type NetworkCurrentUsages {
aiSearchAccess: Boolean!
analyticsAccess: Boolean!
analyticsDaysLimit: Float
apiAccess: Boolean!
apiRequestCapacity: [ApiRequestLimit!]!
appIds: [String!]!
askAiAccess: Boolean!
auditLogAccess: Boolean!
customDomain: Boolean!
customUploadDestination: Boolean
emailCustomization: Boolean!
emailDigestAccess: Boolean!
jwtSSOAccess: Boolean!
membersCapacity: Float
monthlyEmailCapacity: Float
monthlyVisitorCapacity: Float
oauth2SSOAccess: Boolean!
postTypesCapacity: Float
samlSSOAccess: Boolean!
seatsCapacity: Float
sitemap: Boolean!
spacesCapacity: Float
storageCapacity: Float
translationLocaleCapacity: Float