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Post (Object)


No description


allowedEmojis - [String!]
allowedReactions - [String!]
attachmentIds - [ID!]!
attachments - [File!]
authMemberProps - PostAuthMemberProps
contentSummary - PostContentSummary
createdAt - DateTime!
createdBy - SpaceMember
createdById - ID!
customSeoDetail - CustomSeoDetail
description - String
embedIds - [String!]!
embeds - [Embed!]
externalId - ID
externalUrl - String
fields - [CustomField!]
followersCount - Int
forbiddenEmojis - [String!]
forbiddenReactions - [String!]
hasMoreContent - Boolean!
id - ID!
imageIds - [ID!]!
images - [Media!]
isAnonymous - Boolean!
isHidden - Boolean
language - String
lastActivityAt - DateTime
lastActivityDetail - PostLastActivityDetail
locked - Boolean!Whether the post is locked
mappingFields - [PostMappingField!]
mentionedMembers - [String!]!
mentions - [Member!]
negativeReactions - [String!]
negativeReactionsCount - Int
networkId - ID!
owner - SpaceMember
ownerId - ID!
pinnedInto - [PinnedInto!]!
pinnedReplies - [Post!]
positiveReactions - [String!]
positiveReactionsCount - Int
postType - PostType
postTypeId - ID!
primaryReactionType - ReactionTypeHas been replaced by allowedReactions, but some may still use it
publishedAt - DateTime
reactions - [PostReactionDetail!]
reactionsCount - Int!
relativeUrl - String
repliedTo - Post
repliedToId - ID
repliedToIds - [String!]
repliedTos - [Post!]
replies - PaginatedPost
repliesCount - Int!
seoDetail - PostSeoDetail!
shortContent - String
shortcuts - [Shortcut!]
singleChoiceReactions - [String!]
slug - String
space - Space
spaceId - ID!
status - PostStatus!
subscribersCount - Int
tagIds - [String!]
tags - [Tag!]
textContent - String
thumbnail - Media
thumbnailId - String
title - String
topRepliers - [PostTopReplier!]!
topicIds - [String!]
totalRepliesCount - Int!
updatedAt - DateTime!
url - String

type Post {
allowedEmojis: [String!] @deprecated
allowedReactions: [String!]
attachmentIds: [ID!]!
attachments: [File!]
authMemberProps: PostAuthMemberProps
format: ShortContentFormat! = Html
length: Int! = 200
): PostContentSummary
createdAt: DateTime!
createdBy: SpaceMember
createdById: ID!
customSeoDetail: CustomSeoDetail
description: String
embedIds: [String!]!
embeds: [Embed!]
externalId: ID
externalUrl: String
fields: [CustomField!]
followersCount: Int @deprecated
forbiddenEmojis: [String!] @deprecated
forbiddenReactions: [String!]
hasMoreContent: Boolean!
id: ID!
imageIds: [ID!]!
images: [Media!]
isAnonymous: Boolean!
isHidden: Boolean
language: String
lastActivityAt: DateTime
lastActivityDetail: PostLastActivityDetail
locked: Boolean!
mappingFields: [PostMappingField!] @deprecated
mentionedMembers: [String!]!
mentions: [Member!]
negativeReactions: [String!] @deprecated
negativeReactionsCount: Int @deprecated
networkId: ID!
owner: SpaceMember
ownerId: ID!
pinnedInto: [PinnedInto!]!
pinnedReplies: [Post!]
positiveReactions: [String!] @deprecated
positiveReactionsCount: Int @deprecated
postType: PostType
postTypeId: ID!
primaryReactionType: ReactionType
publishedAt: DateTime
reactions: [PostReactionDetail!]
reactionsCount: Int!
relativeUrl: String
repliedTo: Post
repliedToId: ID
repliedToIds: [String!]
repliedTos: [Post!]
after: String
before: String
excludePins: Boolean
limit: Int!
offset: Int
orderBy: PostListOrderByEnum
orderByString: String
reverse: Boolean
): PaginatedPost
repliesCount: Int!
seoDetail: PostSeoDetail!
format: ShortContentFormat! = Html
length: Int
): String
shortcuts: [Shortcut!]
singleChoiceReactions: [String!]
slug: String
space: Space
spaceId: ID!
status: PostStatus!
subscribersCount: Int
tagIds: [String!]
tags: [Tag!]
textContent: String
thumbnail: Media
thumbnailId: String
title: String
topRepliers: [PostTopReplier!]!
topicIds: [String!] @deprecated
totalRepliesCount: Int!
updatedAt: DateTime!
url: String